Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

The Rotary Club of Pearland is a service organization that assists youths and others in our community. In the last two years 2019 and 2020, we awarded $35,000 in scholarships to Pearland area high school students and donated over $90,000 to local organizations, an average 1,000 volunteer hours per year. Our club participated in multiple local service activities, Including the Pearland Fights Hunger meal packing and our annual Child Adoption event, Educational Pond at the Nature Center, and host the Daddy Daughter Dance. We want to continue to provide scholarships and assist our local organizations, so we ask that you support us. Please consider sponsoring our Grid Iron Tailgate in our efforts to continue serving our community! Due to this year's circumstances, it will not be a luncheon but a large Zoom event. Lunch will be delivered to the Coaches. 

Touch Down Level Sponsor - $300.00 

• Lunch for 4 will be provided at your business 

• Facebook/ Social media promotions of your Business Name or Logo 

Field Goal level Sponsor - $100.00 

• Facebook/Social media promotions of your Business Name or Logo 

Monetary Donations are accepted. 

Please make all checks payable to Pearland Rotary Foundation Payments may also be made online: or check. 

Contact Norma Martinez at 713-446-5484 for questions or sponsorship payments. 

501(c) 3 Tax Number 82-2459734 Please include your Logo with your payment. The logo will go to 

Kick off the Holiday season with the Pearland Rotary Club's Annual Christmas Choir Luncheon! 
The Pearland Rotary Club invites you to attend our 2019 Christmas Choir Luncheon on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, at Golfcrest Country Club.  Join us as the Pearland High School Kantorei Choir performs Christmas carols. 
As part of the Season of Giving, please bring a non-perishable food item or new, unwrapped toy.  All items collected will be donated to the Pearland Neighborhood Center.  
The Pearland Rotary Club invites you to attend our 2019 Grid Iron Luncheon on Tuesday, July 30, 2019, at Golfcrest Country Club. 

Join us as the football coaches from Alvin, Dawson, Friendswood, Manvel, Pearland, and Shadow Creek Ranch High School provide us with a preview of the highly anticipated upcoming season. You don't want to miss this exciting community event!  
Tickets can be purchased through this link:
We are excited to announce the rescheduled date of this years  48th Annual Golf for Charity Event.
This years tournament will be Monday June 3, 2019.  Lunch will be served beginning at 11:00 am and we will have a Shotgun Start at noon.
Following the tournament we will host our awards dinner and auction in the Banquet room at the Club. We will be serving Golfcrest's famous Fried Chicken which is always a big hit with participants and guests.
Returning to this years tournament will be our "Closest to the Pin" closest to the pin contests on every Par 3, in addition to our GUARANTEED Cruise WINNER and Fireball Challenge.  Feeling Lucky?
This is a great opportunity to support the Mission of Rotary and enjoy some food, fun and fellowship. We hope to see you at the event.
Sign up is underway  at our dedicated tournament site:
Tammy McDonald is a Christian Speaker, Author, Blogger, Chaplain and Life Coach who has a hear for hurting women.  With her words, humor personal testimony, scripture and visual aids Tammy shared with the club how she walks with those who are within a grieving process.  Her mission is to help people embrace the good that God has planned for them even after the experience of a devastating loss.  Tammy's message of Hope was comforting and enjoyed by all. 
Samaritan's Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world.  The group is actively working in the Houston area to give needed help in the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts.  The group has teams in the area that have gutted 197 homes to date since the storm.  Helping in Jesus' name their volunteers provide compassionate relief to the chaotic recovery process. 
On August 1st the Pearland Rotary hosted the Annual Grid Iron Luncheon on August, 1st.  The Grid Iron Luncheon is considered an signal to the beginning of High School Football to area fans.  The event featured area High School Head Coaches taking to the podium to highlight the inspiring abilities of their programs and their prospects for the 2017 season. 
The audience of over sixty business leaders and high school football fans were even treated to some light banter between the head coaches all ready to settle all difference on the Grid Iron.   Coaches that took the podium were Eric Wells (Dawson Eagles), Brad Butler (Shadow Creek Sharks), Mike Norman (Dobie Longhorns), Mike Allison (Clear Brook Wolverines) and James Farmer (Pearland Oilers).  With the recent retirement of log-time Pearland High Coach Tony Heath it was certainly recognized that many of these coaches sprout from Heaths' coaching tree. 
Pearland Rotary auctioned a certified J.J. Watt signed Houston Texans football helmet to generate funds to purchase new defibrillators for Pearland ISD.  The event was sponsored by Texas Citizens Bank, Craig Slater - Farmer's Insurance, Heritage Bank and A & A Cleaning Services, who also donated the signed J.J. Watt helmet.  Texas Citizens Bank was the high bidder for the helmet.
David Moore, the Executive Director of the Women's Center of Brazoria County, Inc., delivered an enlightening message to the club on the ills of Domestic Violence. 
Domestic Violence is an oppressive form of Power and Control exerted physically, mentally and sexually over another person. The FBI estimates that one in every two women will be physically abused at some point in their lives by men with whom they live.  Brazoria County Law enforcement agencies receive one domestic violence call for every 100 persons in the county's population each year.  In fact, Brazoria County is tied for fifth in the number of homicides related to domestic violence. 
The Women's Center of Brazoria County is a non-profit, United Way agency established to meet the needs of victims of domestic violence.  The Women's Center serves people of all ages, regardless of socioeconomic level, race, gender, religion, handicap, sexual orientation or national origin.  They provide shelter, rape crisis, parenting classes and many other support services for victims and their children. 
Their 24-Hour Hotline number is 979-549-5166 or 800-243-5788.
Consider supporting the Women's Center at their 2017 Roast and Toast on Thursday, October 5th at the Lake Jackson Civic Center.  The Guest of Honor will be County Judge L.M. "Matt" Sebesta, Jr. and tickets are $100 each.  The MC of the event will be Texas State Rep. Dennis Bonnen and The Night Roasters will consist of County Commissioner Dude Payne, County Commissioner Stacy Adams, Joe Ripple, Esq. and Judge Patrick Sebesta.  For more information or tickets go to
ROTARY has 1,227,217 members in 35,263 clubs worldwide.  Come and see why Rotary is the worlds largest service organization. 
Join us to align yourself with like-minded individuals and experience firsthand the fulfillment of "SERVICE ABOVE SELF"!!!
Become a ROTARIAN TODAY!!!  There is Work To Do and Needs to Be Met!
Pearland Rotary Club meets every Tuesday at Noon at Golfcrest Country Club in wonderful Pearland, Texas.
Did you know that Rotary has one of the most extensive, world-wide, self-interest networking opportunities on the planet!  It is called Rotary Fellowships (www.ROTARY.ORG/FELLOWSHIPS). 
Rotary Fellowships are groups of Rotarians, Rotarians' family members, Rotaractors, alumni and program participants.  Members of these groups share an interest, wish to further their vocational development, or want to make new friends, explore opportunities for service, and enhance their experience in Rotary.  Fellowships, which must have active members in at least three countries, provide a chance to make lasting friendships with people outside of your club. 
Several examples of Rotary Fellowships are Antique Automobiles (, Motorcycling (, Genealogy (, Wine (, Doll Lovers (, Beer (, Police and Law Enforcement ( and Marathon Running (  Their are more than 70 active Rotary Fellowships to join!!!! 
To join a fellowship, visit the group's website or if you would like to start a fellowship, write to
Rotary is the largest service organization in the world and brings together a global network of volunteer leaders who dedicate their time and talent to tackle the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.2 million members from more than 200 countries and geographical areas.  The Pearland Rotary Club meets on Tuesdays at Golfcrest Country Club, Pearland, from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM.  Many of the links on this website provides more details or visit us for more information. 
Brazoria County Contable Precint 3 Charles "Buck" Stevens was the featured speaker at the Pearland Rotary Club's meeting on Nov. 3rd at Golfcrest Country Club.  Constable Stevens presentation included the long history of the office of constable dating back to the early middle ages in England and the varied and important duties of this law enforcement office.  
James Harold “Jimmy” Doolittle was an American aviation pioneer. He served as an officer in the United States Army Air Forces during the Second World War and earned the Medal of Honor for his valor and leadership as commander of the famous surprise Doolittle Raid on Tokyo Japan.  Lt. Col. Don Houk (USAFR) Ret., has been offering a first-person impersonation of General Doolittle’s life and accomplishments, particularly the Raid on Tokyo, for over four years.  His performance was amazing and he received a standing ovation at the end.
District 29 Representative Ed Thompson was our keynote speaker for the Pearland Rotary Club on September 1st at Golfcrest Country Club beginning at 12:00 Noon.  Representative Thompson’s topic was “A Legislative Update.”  Representative Ed Thompson serves the 29th District in the Texas House of Representatives. District 29 encompasses the northern portion of Brazoria County including Alvin, Brookside Village, Hillcrest, Iowa Colony, Liverpool, Rosharon, Manvel, and Pearland. Representative Thompson ran unopposed in the 2014 election and was re-elected to his seat for the 84th Texas Legislature.

The Pearland Rotary Club's Annual Grid Iron Luncheon held on August 4th at Golfcrest Country Club in Pearland was a tremendous success. Coaches from seven of the area high schools spoke for a few minutes about their football programs and made their prognostications about the upcoming season.

Attendance was strong and the event was a success.

At 62, Joe Haralson is the longest serving active duty Texas Ranger and his presentation on June 30th was inspiring.  Ranger Haralson gave a brief history of the Texas Rangers, described current operations and shared many interesting facts not only about arrests and incidents that the Rangers were involved with but also ones he participated in.  Our meeting room was packed and some guests drove many miles to hear Ranger Haralson speak.
Our own TDPS Sergeant Craig Cummings delivered an emotional and fact filled presentation on June 23rd about the impact on our society and personal lives of drunk driving.  Sergeant Craig Cummings has served in law enforcement for over 16 years.  He is also an adjunct professor at the College of the Mainland.  He currently supervises troopers in Brazoria County.  
Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos presentation on "The Texas Economy" on June 2nd was a tremendous success.  The Ball Room at Golfcrest Country Club was full.  Plus, we received applications for two new members.  

The Pearland Rotary and the 288 Pearland Rotary Clubs presented the following scholarships to deserving seniors this spring at Pearland, Dawson, and Turner High Schools. These Dare to Excel scholarships honor achievements of outstanding seniors that exhibit college or career readiness. Scholarships may go toward post high school college or technical training. Students are recognized at their campus on senior awards nights.

The Annual Valentine's Dance for Special Needs event was a wonderful success.  Approximately 100 guests were from the special needs facilities plus an additional 30 Rotarians, volunteers and community friends and supporters were in attendance.  The guests were treated to a wonderful buffet dinner provided by Casa Ole-Pearland and delicious chocolate and white cakes courtesy of HEB-Pearland Parkway.  DJ Tom Langford spun the tunes that kept the dance floor occupied throughout the night.  Click on the links under "Photo Albums" in the left-hand column for photos.

Join us for the Rotary Club of Pearland's 8th Annual Gridiron Luncheon!  Our luncheon will be held on Thursday, July 13, 2023, at Golfcrest Country Club. 

The football coaches from Iowa Colony, Friendswood, Manvel, Dawson, Pearland, Alvin, and Shadow Creek Ranch High School will provide us with a preview of the highly anticipated 2023 season. 

You don't want to miss this exciting community event!
Tables and individual tickets can be purchased at
Join us for the Rotary Club of Pearland's 8th Annual Gridiron Luncheon!  Our luncheon will be held on Thursday, July 13, 2023, at Golfcrest Country Club. 

The football coaches from Iowa Colony, Friendswood, Manvel, Dawson, Pearland, Alvin, and Shadow Creek Ranch High School will provide us with a preview of the highly anticipated 2023 season. 

You don't want to miss this exciting community event!
Tables and individual tickets can be purchased at
Join us for the Rotary Club of Pearland's 8th Annual Gridiron Luncheon!  Our luncheon will be held on Thursday, July 13, 2023, at Golfcrest Country Club. 

The football coaches from Iowa Colony, Friendswood, Manvel, Dawson, Pearland, Alvin, and Shadow Creek Ranch High School will provide us with a preview of the highly anticipated 2023 season. 

You don't want to miss this exciting community event!
Tables and individual tickets can be purchased at