New Officers Installed
Posted by Ed Slaback
At our regular meeting on June 30, 2015, outgoing president Noble Alix officially passed the baton to incoming president Sam Granberry. In addition, Noble announced the following Paul Harris Fellow awards:
- Ed Slaback
- Sean Murphy
- Sam Granberry
- Leisha D'Angleo
After being sworn in, Sam announced the following officers for the 2015-2016 Rotary year.
- Ed Slaback President-elect
- Sean Murphy Treasurer
- Mona Chavarria Assistant Treasurer
- Ed Slaback Secretary
- Leisha D'Angelo Publicity
- Craig Slater Membership
- Jeff Brennan Sergeant at arms
- Mark Smith Rotary Foundation
- Noble Alix Past President
- Noble Alix Community & International Service